Pets for Patriots
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Member Patriot Special:
20% adoption fee discount, bag of food, leash and collar
Helping Vets Find Pets: SPCA Partners With Nonprofit
Pets For Patriots News

Click The Logo To Learn More
Member Patriot Special:
20% adoption fee discount, bag of food, leash and collar
SPCA of the Triad is proud to announce the recent adoption of sweet dog, Willow, by USA Veteran, Gary Apple and his wife Joyce. Mr. Apple's pet adoption application was the first approved in conjunction with our new partner, Pets for Patriots (PFP). This national Organization assists Veterans in adoption of a loving pet companion through approved Shelters, and we are happy to report that SPCA of the Triad is one of four, partnering and participating shelters in North Carolina. We wish congratulations, success and happiness to the three Family members in this union. We also wish to thank Mr. Apple for his service to our Country. More details and information regarding Pets for Patriots organization is available through, and/or also through our website,
The new NC A&T weekly television show called, "Triad Perspectives," which is an engaging weekly program focusing on significant community and campus issues hosted by Greensboro's own Sandra Hughes.